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Executive Compensation Solutions

We work with business owners and corporations to develop executive compensation packages and evaluate existing packages. The objectives of executive compensation packages are attracting and retaining your industry’s most talented professionals, effectively providing those executives with compensation that has long-term growth potential with favorable tax benefits.

A sound executive compensation program depends on a modern framework. In a world where strategic agility is supplanting strategic stability, we design incentive plans around mission, rather than strategy. This approach attaches targets and incentive payouts in a consistent yet flexible manner conducive to long-term growth.

With executive compensation solutions, we answer your questions about how to receive deferred compensation most cost-effectively; identify eligible employees; and know what the IRS puts limitations on/accounting and tax implications. The process starts with a systematic analysis conducted in a defensible manner. Based on your company’s industry, size and relative performance, we develop a customized plan.

Comprehensive plans may include recommended changes to:

  • Base salary
  • Annual cash incentives
  • Long-term incentives
  • Benefits and prerequisites
  • Pay mix